why mariamélia?

When this project was born I was keen on giving it an antique women’s name, to highlight a feminist perspective on Portuguese traditional manufacturing, and also to speak of a time when arts & crafts were an intrinsic part of material life.


I’m a designer who works regularly with a network of artisans and small local producers, developing original products and curating traditional handcrafted pieces. I occasionally collaborate with artists and create close relationships of trust with all the artisans and manufacturers with whom I collaborate in product development.

I have studied Design, but my practice lies somewhere between curating handcrafted and semi-industrial products and researching new formats of consumption and material production.

  • Founder & former graphic designer

  • I work with several artisans and small-scale producers in northern Portugal.

    Get to know all of them here

Photos by Matilde Viegas
Photo-shoot modelling by
Mafalda Salgueiro